
Group: DynoMotion Message: 13936 From: mlallement@sbcglobal.net Date: 10/26/2016
Subject: Kflop motor compatibility

Hi Tom,

I am considering Kflop as the controller for my cnc router to drive Teknic CPM-SD motors with integral drivers.  In reading both user manuals, it appears the Kflop enable, step and dir outputs are 3.3 to 5 v max.   The CPM-SD  on the other hand requires 5-24 v inputs @ 8-12 ma.  With these right the limits of each other, what is required to make them compatible?

Are you aware of any one controlling the Teknic motors with a Kflop?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 13937 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 10/26/2016
Subject: Re: Kflop motor compatibility

I Googled and found this:

 5-24VDC just means ClearPath will work with logic signal sources where logic “low” is 0VDC
while logic “high” can be any value between 5VDC and 24VDC inclusive.

From Page 20 of

Technically it says they need 5.00V and 0.00V to guarantee functionality.  I doubt if that is actually what they mean as that would make them incompatible with most every controller or microprocessor that I'm aware of.

KFLOP in Open Collector mode will provide > 4.5V in the "on" state and < 1.3V in the "off" state.  

I'm not aware of anyone specifically using those drives.

One disadvantage with those drives is although they are closed loop and have encoder feedback they don't provide it as an output (as far as i can see).  This means that KFLOP can't monitor following errors and whenever the drives are disabled (or fault) the position will be lost and it will require re-homing to recover.


On 10/26/2016 9:51 PM, mlallement@... [DynoMotion] wrote:

Hi Tom,

I am considering Kflop as the controller for my cnc router to drive Teknic CPM-SD motors with integral drivers.  In reading both user manuals, it appears the Kflop enable, step and dir outputs are 3.3 to 5 v max.   The CPM-SD  on the other hand requires 5-24 v inputs @ 8-12 ma.  With these right the limits of each other, what is required to make them compatible?

Are you aware of any one controlling the Teknic motors with a Kflop?